Self Care Tip For This Week.

Hello Everyone,

Welcome back to my blog. If you are new here welcome. Today we are going to be talking about writing the causes and writing solutions. So what that means is that we are working on discovering what exactly is causing us to have anxiety, depression, lack of communication etc… Its important to write these down to help us recognize what the trigger(s) is/are. When we can recognize the triggers it will allow us to find solutions.

When we work on this as part of our self care it gives us a chance to recognize what we need to do to make these improvements. For example, if we have toxic people in our lives we need to recognize how to get out of these type of relationships with the toxic person. If its family then maybe we need to cut back on how often we speak to them.

Remember when we start to write down causes and find solutions, new opportunities will present ourselves. We are often blocked by our causes. Let’s work together to find solutions. Join me on Facebook for more self care tips and community conversations.

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Suicide Awareness Week… September 10th


Self Care Tip of The Day… Write Down Your Triggers.