Self Care Sometimes Means Clocking Out Of Work Early.

Hello Everyone,

Welcome Back! If you are new, Welcome. This week we are going to be talking about how “Self Care Sometimes Means Clocking Out Of Work Early. “ Before we get into details about this let me add this disclaimer… I am not suggesting you do this often. I am only suggesting that sometimes it is necessary to do this for ourselves.

Let me explain here…. So what I am saying is that sometimes things at work are so bad in many different ways that it is better for us to call it a day early. It does not matter how early you do it, just do it if you absolutely need to. Do not give it a second thought, just do it because you know that it is necessary to do it.

Let me share an example, I have experienced tough days at work and felt like no matter what I did to push through the only thing I could do was walk out early. It was necessary for my mental health. I tried talking to my bosses and nothing worked. No matter who I went to I felt like I was not being heard. For the sake of my mental health and my own self care I decided to quietly walk off the clock. Another disclaimer: I do not suggest you do it quietly. Say something to a manager or whomever it is that is in charge. If you are not 100% comfortable just tell them that for your own mental health, you feel that it is in your best interest to leave. They may not like that answer, but remember that you absolutely do not have to explain yourself to them. Know your rights! Know yourself worth.

With that being said, I will leave you this final thought…. Your self care is absolutely the most important thing even if your job does not understand that. Email me if you are ready to start making changes in your life.


Self Care Tip: Self Care Means Giving Yourself Permission to Pause.


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