Reflect on Recent Events in Your Life.

Hello Everyone,

Welcome Back! If you are new, Welcome. Today we are going to be talking about Writing Down Your Thoughts About Today’s Events or This week’s Events. Let’s talk about why its important to reflect on daily events or weekly events. We often find ourselves experiencing a stressful week and we may not stop to reflect on it and just try and push through it.

It is so important to reflect because it will help us process everything. Use the reflection as a way to talk about everything. Sometimes we go through a loss or something so stressful that we need to ask for a friend or family member to listen to us. Its okay to ask for a listening ear. There is no shame in asking for someone to listen. It can help us understand what it is we are going through.

If you are in need of a listening ear please feel free to reach out and let’s get you set up on a call. Email me below.


Mental Health


Self Care Tip: Write A Letter To The Person(s) That Have Hurt You.