Mental Health

Hello Everyone,

Welcome Back! If you are new welcome! I thought I would write a second blog this week as we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving. First, I wanted to thank everyone who has been a part of my journey thus far. I appreciate each and everyone of you.

I wanted to talk about Suicide as this is the time of year where Suicide is up. I recently spoke to a friend of mine and we were on the call talking about different things and when I asked her how she is doing she said I just lost a friend to suicide.

So let’s address the elephant in the room and talk about why it is so common during the holidays. Often times we are so busy with family coming over or buying presents that we often neglect our loved ones. We may not even realize that they are battling inner demons.

It is so important that we check in on our loved ones and talk to them to make sure we are not neglecting them or not catching that they are battling something. Depression is often overlooked because people don’t realize that someone who is depressed might be experiencing a sudden high of happiness or a burst of energy when they are usually sleeping too much.

Another thing to closely look at is how long someone is sleeping? Are they so quite that they are shutting people out? Are they moody and not willing to talk about? These are just signs to look for when asking yourself is someone you know experiencing this?

As someone who has lost a few people to suicide both friends and family I can tell you that feeling guilty and angry that they are gone is a pretty common feeling. All you can do is go through the 5 stages of grieving and at the end forgive yourself.

If someone you know and love needs help please call the hotline at 1-800-273-8255. You are not alone.


Happy Thanksgiving!


Reflect on Recent Events in Your Life.