Write A List Of Things That Are Preventing You From Taking Care of Yourself…

Hello Everyone,

Welcome back! If you are new, Welcome. How is everyone doing? This week we are going to talk about Writing Down A List Of Things That Are Preventing You From Taking Care Of Yourself. It is important to stop and evaluate yourself and see what is preventing you from taking care of yourself. Write down everything that is bothering you. Take a hard look at everything around you. Think about that list and start making choices. Will you be working on making improvements to help yourself in order to start taking better care of yourself?

Will you be cutting people that are toxic out of your life or will continue to allow them to block you from your best self? Will you start making changes by putting yourself first? If not, why not? Start being honest with yourself and start putting yourself first.

If you are not sure how to focus on yourself then now is the time to join my mentoring program. Its not too late!


Learn To Let The Bad Vibes Go. You Will Be A Lot Happier.


Keep A Habit Journal