Self-Care: You Have Permission to Rest.

Hello Everyone.

Welcome Back! If you are new to my blog welcome! I apologize for my absence as I have been dealing with my health. This week we are going to talk about how “You Need to Give Yourself Permission to Rest.” You have permission to rest. Remember you are not responsible for fixing everything that is broken. You don’t have to try and make everyone happy. For now, take time for you. It’s time to replenish. This is really important to remember especially during this time of year. During the holiday season it tends to be the most stressful because we are trying to please everyone and keep everyone happy. That is not your job! Read that again… You are not responsible for pleasing everyone. I know that this is not easy and we are all guilty at one time or another of wanting to please everyone. Why? What about you? Who is there pleasing you and taking care of you? No one! Let that sink in for a moment. How many times have you pleased everyone in your life and not one single person has done the same for you? Not a single person!

I am guilty of this more than not because I am a full time care giver for my elderly mother while working two full time jobs and running my business. I often neglect myself and I burn out. I was recently reminded during my health issues that it is important that I tell people that I cannot help you because right now, I am not capable of taking of anyone but myself. I heard it and the words stung at first because I knew this person was right. They were not saying it to be rude but rather out of concern and in a loving friendly manner.

We absolutely need to pause and rest. It is absolutely necessary to do this and not just on occasion but all the time. I am not saying to ignore people, I am saying balance out helping others and taking care of yourself so you don’t resent or regret anything in your life.

If you are ready to start my mentoring program reach let’s get you started.


Happy Thanksgiving!


Self Care: It’s Not Just About Getting Dolled Up, Waxed and Pampered.