Self Care Vent

Hello Everyone and Welcome Back,

Today I am doing things a little different. I am going to vent but promise it ties into self care. So on Wednesday I jumped onto a social media and discovered that some people have suddenly found me a threat. Instead of coming to me asking me questions about my new business they have taken it upon themselves to trash talk me and put me to try and humiliate me and slander me. To assume I am lying about something is childish. I am not hiding anything. If you really want to know what my business is about you can look on my profile page or click on my website and it will tell you what you want to know. As always I encourage people to ask questions. My mentor in college always said to stay true yourself and always be your authentic self. Here I am being who I am always have been. To try and blast me in a group chat is sad.

What he/she was not counting on was me realizing that she was giving me free publicity and a chance to reflect on all of this. To see what was said is one thing, to let it get to me is another. I learned a long time ago to always focus on self care so when this sort of thing happens it will not hold onto me tight and consume me. It will build me up make me stronger, see the jealousy and keep moving. Allowing myself to be consumed by something as small as a comment about pretending to be something I am not will only create obstacles and barriers. I can either allow the negative to park and stay for a while or address it and move on. I have already addressed and now venting about so I am ready to move on. Before I end this blog I will leave you with this quote: If you want to be happy you must become a seeker. You have to think about happiness, look for the happiness, and believe with all of your heart that you deserve happiness. Author Unknown

Remember happiness starts with you! If you are struggling to find a balance reach out to me and Let’s Talk.




Wednesday Wellness