
Hello Everyone and Welcome back,

Today I would thought I would reintroduce myself and explain why I created this blog and business. My name is Carrie. I was born and raised in Los Angeles County and still reside there. I graduated with my B. A. In Psychology at a local University. I am a Mentor , Blogger, and a part time reseller. Most of you are probably wondering how I got here.

Well here it is in short. I am began reselling in 2018 a year after I lost my father. He had a huge collection of movies on VHS and DVDs. We are talking close to 10,000 movies. He collected them as a hobby and on occasion he would actually watch them. Before he died he would always say to us that he wanted us to sell them and make money of them. We used to think he was full of himself until we actually started selling on eBay. I pretty much did this part time to get rid of his collection. I had no idea what I was doing was known as reselling. I met a volunteer in a group and she took the time to teach me what was worth picking up to sell. In late 2019 I began adding clothing and Vintage Items to my eBay store in addition to working two part time jobs. At this point I was getting tired of working the two part time jobs and reselling . There was no fulfillment and I as just miserable. In November I ended up having emergency surgery that was a matter of life and death. Thanks to my reselling income I was able to pay for my surgery.

In 2020, I found myself working a job that was causing me stress and anxiety. I was being bullied daily and even though I reported the supervisor to my main supervisor the company took his side and let me go in July. In the middle of the pandemic I found myself unemployed and without unemployment. I did not lose my job as I was an essential worker. I lost it for standing up against my bully. The company blocked me from collecting unemployment and since no one was hiring I decided it was time to take my reselling business full time. I then met someone and tried drop shipping and eventually I tried Poshmark.

In January I decided that I had another calling that needed to be fulfilled and after talking to my business mentor and website developer, I decided it was time to start my new journey. By April I finally had an idea and this is where Magnifique Mentoring came into the picture. I knew I wanted to help people and this was the best way to do so. I now run this blog, my mentoring program, and my two reselling pages.

Coming soon, I will be adding Print on Demand. So stay tuned for more blogs. Remember to take care of your mental health and know your worth. If you are ready to start my 12 week program contact me today at


Motivation Monday, Looking for something Positive


Self Care Vent