Self-Care Shouldn’t Be Rare.

Hello Everyone,

Welcome back! If you are new, Welcome. Let’s talk about how Self-Care Shouldn’t Be Rare. It is important for us to stop and take care of ourselves because we don’t want to burn ourselves out. No matter what the situation is that we are experiencing it is important to take care of yourself physically and mentally so you don’t end up sick.

Let me share with you my recent experience of not taking care of myself. Right now I am going through a lot because my mom has been in the hospital. I don’t mind helping at all. I insist on it in fact. My down fall is I have not been taking care of myself at all. No self-care. I have been so busy taking care of my mom and doing so much around the house that I burned myself out. I am struggling right now because I have not done anything for myself. Never is it a good idea to ignore yourself care. Its not good to ignore it.

Even if your self-care is to get out and grab coffee and sit in a coffee shop for an hour, do it. No need to feel guilty about it. Do it because you know that you will feel better about it after. You will never regret this decision. The only regret you will have is never taking better care of yourself. Especially if you are taking care of a loved one.

Follow me for more helpful self-care tips.


Self-Care Tip: Write Down Everything You Love About Yourself.


Self-Care Write Down Positive Thoughts.