Responding Less to Negative People

Hello Everyone,

Welcome Back! If you are new welcome!

Today we are going to talk about responding less to people. There will always be people who are negative in our lives and not supportive no matter what we do. Its up to us to decide what how we are going to handle the situation. Will we respond or ignore it and move on? Will you keep the person in your life or walk away? Comment below and let me know what you would do.

Let me share with you a recent situation. So recently someone in my life sent me a text letting me know that they were tired of me never owning up to my mistakes but I always have no problem talking about the positive in my life. Those that know me, know that I have OCD. Having OCD means we try and perfect everything. It gives us anixety when we don’t. The this is I am always willing to admit my mistakes. Its convient for people to forget when I do because I don’t stay in the negative. I find a way to push through it and I move on. What I focus on is staying positive because its easier for me. I have been through a lot so to stay around the negative and dwell in it makes no sense to me. Since this person was obviously having a bad day they decided to lash out on me. It did make me re-evaluate the friendship.

All this time I thought that by being positive it was keeping them motivated. In reality it made them jealous. Its okay, I learned from it. I am going to keep them at a distance. I am not perfect by any means and nor do I claim to be. I just choose not to sit and dwell in the bad once I have figured out a soultion. Let me leave you with this quote… The less you respond to negative people, the more positive your life will become.

If you are ready to make a change in your life then consider my program. Don’t let fear hold you back. My program can help you make the changes you need in your life and give you a happier life. Ready to change? Contact me today.

Let’s Talk!


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