Mental Health Wednesday and Caring for Your Own Mental Health

Hello Everyone and Welcome Back,

If you are new grab a seat and let’s talk. Today we are going to talk about caring for your own mental health in regards to depression. It is really important to focus on your own mental health as we tend to neglect it because we are too busy caring for other people, too busy taking care of family problem, or even having financial problems just to name a few.

We must stop and do a self evaluation to see where our mental health status is. We must not get so caught up in everyday obstacles that we forget who we are. Remember when we do too much and burn out we can find ourselves falling into depression. We tend to hang around people that are known as energy vamps. We must pay close attention to these people and put a distance between them and you. If it still presents itself to be a problem we must then cut them from our lives. It will benefit your mental health in the long run.

Sometimes our own problems cause our mental health to take one too many hits. We might be experience a loss so we are grieving or we are experience family problems and that consumes us. Whatever it is we must learn to set healthy boundaries. Its okay to say no. Learning to say no will help you in the long run with your mental health.

If someone you know or love needs to learn to balance everyday life stress I invite you to reach out to me and talk about my program. Are you yourself experiencing an unbalance? I am here to help and listen. My 12 week program is designed to help you mange your life in a healthier way. If you are not sure where to contact me drop me a comment. I encourage everyone to comment and share ideas. This is a judgment free zone. Drop me a message.

Let’s Talk!


Are you taking time for your own self care?


Self Care Tuesday- 5 Daily Self Care Reminders