Stay Positive Even When It Feels Like Your Life Is Falling Apart.

Hello Everyone,

Welcome Back! If you are new, welcome. This week we are going to focus on staying positive. I know this can be hard when you are experiencing a lot but this will help you keep depression away or at a distance.

Sometimes we need to focus on the positive so we can see a way out. Life is always hitting us with negative things or events. Its up to us how we respond to it. I understand that life may feel like its falling apart because of everything we may be going through, but we have to remind ourselves that what we are going through is just for a season and it will not last forever.

Now you may be saying to yourself how would she know that this is not permanent she is not going through what I am. You are right, I am not currently experiencing what you are. What I can say is that I have been through a lot in my life. I have felt the same way you may be currently feeling or have felt in the past. Trust me, I understand it feels like there is no ending. There is always an ending! We just don’t have an end date.

Let me share this with you in hopes of giving you a positive insight on what I have been through. I am constantly going through different storms in my life and I would be lying to you if I said I did not find myself depressed through some of the storms I have been through. I was depressed but I always found things to help me overcome it so I can push through the storm and prove to myself that I am strong enough to push through. Let me share with you a couple things I would do to keep focused.

I often found myself looking online for positive quotes to inspire me to keep going. I also change my food diet to increase the foods that mood boosters such as blueberries, almonds, or dark chocolate just to name a few. This would really help. Of course it also helps to have a close friend that you can confide in and share all of your pain, sorrow and worries. It helps. Stay tuned for other great helpful tips. I am closing this blog with this quote: Stay Positive Even When You Feel Like Your Life is Falling Apart. Stay Motivated and remember if you need someone to talk to feel free to reach out. I am here for you.

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Be Happy With What You Have. Be Excited For What You Want.


Always Support Others, Never Be Jealous.